Tuesday, August 10, 2021

GHS survey

Back when Governor Grey changed the name of Greymouth from Mawhera to Greymouth there were some people not too happy with that decision. Most people hated the name Greymouth because it was bland so they wanted to have the name Mawhera because one it sounds better. It also makes it sound like a Maori place. 

The purpose of my survey is to gather information from different people about what name they like better so I'm trying to find out what name is liked the most. I am also trying to see if people are interested in changing the name of the school from Greymouth High school to Mawhera Collage 

Some of the types of questions that I have put on my survey are multichoice short answers and checkboxes. 



Sunday, June 27, 2021

Sequence Puzzle

 Today in maths we had to make our own sequence puzzles. 

To do that we had to put lines into and google drawing and then we would put circles on top of those lines and we had to put numbers into them to make sequences that went up in 3,4,5 for e.g.  

Below is a picture of the sequence puzzle. 

You can see there is blank circles that is because how ever does this puzzle has to work out what numbers go where to figure out what the sequences are. 

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Spaghetti Experiment

For the last few maths lessons, we have been experimenting with spaghetti. We have been testing the strength of different amounts of spaghetti. 

We can link this to a whakatauki that is strength in numbers and so we have been testing how much weight 1-6 strands of spaghetti can hold to test if there is real strength in numbers. So we tested how much 1 strand of spaghetti could hold then 2 strands and so on and so on. Below there is a chart of the results. 
How we did the experiment is we got to desks then separated them 20cm apart then we got a strand of spaghetti and taped each end to the table. Then we got a paper cup and put two holes in the side of it and put a piece of rope through it and tied a knot in each end and bent a paper clip into a hook and put it on the sting. Then once you had that you put the cup/bucket onto the stand and put in little weights and then once it snaped the spaghetti we would weigh the weights on a scale and put it into a table and put the results into a chart. 

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Area Investigation

 In maths, we have been learning how to calculate the perimeter of shapes. We have also been learning how to calculate the area of the shape. 

The image above is the line graph of our shapes and their areas. As you can see it isn't a straight line it has a slight curve in it so. This makes this an exponential line. For this, we had to find 6 different rectangles that had an area of 360m squared.
the image above was the question that was first asked.

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Michael Jackson And Boy

Michael Jackson


Who is Michael Jackson?  

Michael (Joseph) Jackson was a famous American singer, songwriter and dancer from 1958 - 2009. He was dubbed the king of pop. He is regarded worldwide as one of the most significant cultural figures of the 20th century for his contribution to  music, dance, and fashion, along with his publicized personal life.  He was also accused of sexually abusing a family friend's child but it was worked out in court and the case was dropped. He also had very many awards like 15 Grammy awards, six Brit awards, one Golden Globe and holds 39 Guinness world records including the most successful entertainer of all time. He was also in many hall of fames for his music. His estate earned $825 million dollars he was a very wealthy man for what he did as a career.

About Michael Jackson 

He was born on the 19th of August and died on the 25th of June 2009 he was born in Gary, Indiana near Chicago he was the eighth out of ten children in the Jackson Family. Michael Jackson’s father physically abused him also mentally saying that he wasn't good enough and his nose was too big. He would also sit in a chair with a belt and hit Michael repeatedly with the belt.  He had 3 children Paris Jackson, Prince Michael Jackson ll, Michael Jackson Jr. He influenced many other artists across different genres, and through stage and video performance he popularized many complicated dance moves such as the moonwalk he is the most awarded artist in history. He is also one of the best-selling music artists of all time with an estimated 350 million records sold worldwide. 

Boy (The Movie) and Michael Jackson 

In the movie Boy, Michael Jackson is boy's personal hero he likes his dance moves and the way he sings. At the end of the movie, the song poi e comes on while the cast dances they are doing Michael Jackson's dance moves. They then start doing Maori dance movies. The background is hazy and smoky just like one of Michael Jackson's music videos Thriller. boys' dad is wearing a jacket that Michael Jackson wore in the music video. 

The picture below is from Boy the man in front is wearing the jacket from Michael Jackson's Thriller.

New Zealand Thriller haka flash mob planned for Auckland (+video) –  TangataWhenua.com

 The picture below this is from Michael Jackson's Thriller.

Thriller 3D? – You're going to have to wait until Halloween 2018! | MJVibe


What is your favorite Michael Jackson song?

Do you like Michael Jackson?

Do you think it was a good idea to mix together Maori culture and Pop culture?

What do you think of Michael Jackson's work?

What do you think about Michael Jackson changing his skin color through surgery?

Harvesting Kuta and Kiekie

On Friday 28th of May, our class went to lake Ianthe to harvest Kuta and kiekie. 

Kuta: to harvest the Kuta we had to put on gumboots and get into the water to pull the Kuta out of the water. We had to reach right down to the bottom of the Kuta and wiggle it out of the bottom of the lake. The longer pieces are better for weaving and if they had white at the end that's better because you knew that you got the whole piece. Then we put it on a tarp and then it had to be taken to be dried. 

Kiekie: To harvest the keke I had to climb a tree to snap off a branch then bring it out of the bush. Then we ripped the flax-like leaves off the branch and then the flax-like leaves had two white stripes in the leaf. We had to seperate the white from the green and we saved the white parts. They were the good parts. And the green parts were worthless so they went back under the bush for papatuanuku. 

We are going to be drying out the Kuta and Kiekie to be weaving mats and doing cross stitch with the Kuta and Kiekie.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Visit of Ruth Croft and Josh Komen to GHS

On the 5th of May The year 9 and 10s went to the hall to have a talk with Josh Komen and Ruth Croft about their story 

 Josh Talked first he talked about how he was good at running in primary school and high school on the West Coast and how he was becoming the fastest runner in NZ and how he was the first fastest person in the whole of NZ. Then 3 months after he became the fastest runner in NZ he was diagnosed with leukemia but really bad he was in a very bad place and was thinking about ending the pain he walked onto the balcony and thought about jumping off but then he thought about his family and all of the people in his life and stood back and cryed. 

So he went and got help from a professional and so he was climbing out of the hole the treatment for the cancer was going good and it was clearing away and then he was out getting better running again. He had also been going surfing and after he had been surfing and then his friend called him and said: "hey do you want to come to the Everest base camp with me." So Josh had some thinking and then decided to live his life to the fullest and so he flew into Kathmandu and on the way up to base camp he was shitting himself and throwing up because of the height elevation. So he got to base camp and then he went to South Asia and decided to hitchhike around so he did that. Then came back to NZ and decided to get a degree in sky diving and so he did that got it and then he was diagnosed with leukemia again but this time it was worse. So he had to get a transplant to make his immune system work and so he had that and then the transplant was rejecting his body and he got this thing on the side of his face that was on top of his nerve that goes from the brain stem down the side of your face and it would press on it and it was called the suicide bump and so he had to get the nerve numbed to dull down the pain and so he then got better and started to live he life again then it got worse again and had to go to Melbourne to get special treatment and for a while he was okay then he went and had a big heart attack and was rushed to hospital and had 12 more heart attacks one after another. 

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Hangi Report

 So on the 18th of March, we walked to Whare Manaaki four of us boys grabbed shovels and the baskets and went out to the section next door and so we put the baskets down on the grass. We put three of the baskets side by side and put slits in the ground around them with the shovel and then we started to dig the hole. While we were digging we kept on hitting huge pieces of concrete and so we had to dig around them and then lift them out and then we would hit more of them and we almost broke some of the shovels by hitting the concrete. We found tuns of stuff like full-sized bricks and also an element of a stove and wire and other things so we thought we were going to dig up a house because we kept on finding things that would be used for building a house like piping, metal, wire, brick, concrete and an element from a stovetop. 

Then we had to dig it until it was a little deeper than the basket so we could have the irons underneath it to cook the kai. But we had to square the edges of the hole so the baskets would fit nice and snug so no heat and steam would escape when we buried it nothing would escape and so we made it all nice. Then we had to dig another hole for dirt to go on the top of the soaking wet sheets and sacks and so we put Hangi and so we dug it about half a meter and so we dug it out and squared it off and so we had a good amount of dirt to go on top of the hangi. Then we dug a third hole that was probably one meter deep and so we got the hole down to hard-packed clay and while we were digging we found more concrete and bricks and so we had to fill up the second hole with concrete and then the third hole was used to put the hot coles in and so that was the process of digging the hole for the hangi. We had a lot of dirt to put on the top of the sacks and sheets and so there was a lot more than we needed.

Being involved with the Hangi was really nice because I used to dig them all of the time in Okains bay but we never dug them with shovels we used a digger. Because the hole had to be so big because we had to feed the entire community. So it had to be like 2 meters deep and like 4 meters wide and custom baskets to fit all of the kai in them and so doing this hangi was way different to what I was used to doing it. But it was better than the others because we got to use shovels and our hands to dig the hole. It was really nice seeing the family’s faces when they were eating the kai because they were happy. All of the work that we put into making that hangi to have all of the family’s really like it was nice and made me feel good.