Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Visit of Ruth Croft and Josh Komen to GHS

On the 5th of May The year 9 and 10s went to the hall to have a talk with Josh Komen and Ruth Croft about their story 

 Josh Talked first he talked about how he was good at running in primary school and high school on the West Coast and how he was becoming the fastest runner in NZ and how he was the first fastest person in the whole of NZ. Then 3 months after he became the fastest runner in NZ he was diagnosed with leukemia but really bad he was in a very bad place and was thinking about ending the pain he walked onto the balcony and thought about jumping off but then he thought about his family and all of the people in his life and stood back and cryed. 

So he went and got help from a professional and so he was climbing out of the hole the treatment for the cancer was going good and it was clearing away and then he was out getting better running again. He had also been going surfing and after he had been surfing and then his friend called him and said: "hey do you want to come to the Everest base camp with me." So Josh had some thinking and then decided to live his life to the fullest and so he flew into Kathmandu and on the way up to base camp he was shitting himself and throwing up because of the height elevation. So he got to base camp and then he went to South Asia and decided to hitchhike around so he did that. Then came back to NZ and decided to get a degree in sky diving and so he did that got it and then he was diagnosed with leukemia again but this time it was worse. So he had to get a transplant to make his immune system work and so he had that and then the transplant was rejecting his body and he got this thing on the side of his face that was on top of his nerve that goes from the brain stem down the side of your face and it would press on it and it was called the suicide bump and so he had to get the nerve numbed to dull down the pain and so he then got better and started to live he life again then it got worse again and had to go to Melbourne to get special treatment and for a while he was okay then he went and had a big heart attack and was rushed to hospital and had 12 more heart attacks one after another. 


  1. Tena koe Morgan

    What a difficult time poor Josh has had! That must be very hard for him to cope with. On the flip side, people like Josh who endure so much hardship become incredibly strong and resilient. It certainly sounds like, he wasn't going to let his illness stop him from living a full life.

    Were there any key messages you took away from his talk?

  2. Kia ora Kerry thank you for commenting and yes Josh had it hard in life and it didn't stop him from living his life and he didn't just give up on life he kept on pushing through.
