Sunday, June 27, 2021

Sequence Puzzle

 Today in maths we had to make our own sequence puzzles. 

To do that we had to put lines into and google drawing and then we would put circles on top of those lines and we had to put numbers into them to make sequences that went up in 3,4,5 for e.g.  

Below is a picture of the sequence puzzle. 

You can see there is blank circles that is because how ever does this puzzle has to work out what numbers go where to figure out what the sequences are. 

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Spaghetti Experiment

For the last few maths lessons, we have been experimenting with spaghetti. We have been testing the strength of different amounts of spaghetti. 

We can link this to a whakatauki that is strength in numbers and so we have been testing how much weight 1-6 strands of spaghetti can hold to test if there is real strength in numbers. So we tested how much 1 strand of spaghetti could hold then 2 strands and so on and so on. Below there is a chart of the results. 
How we did the experiment is we got to desks then separated them 20cm apart then we got a strand of spaghetti and taped each end to the table. Then we got a paper cup and put two holes in the side of it and put a piece of rope through it and tied a knot in each end and bent a paper clip into a hook and put it on the sting. Then once you had that you put the cup/bucket onto the stand and put in little weights and then once it snaped the spaghetti we would weigh the weights on a scale and put it into a table and put the results into a chart.